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Blood Pressure Monitors
Instruction manuals
Blood Pressure Monitors
Why should you check your blood pressure regularly?
In the long run, high blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, heart and kidney failure. If you suspect that your blood pressure is too high, it is therefore important to check your blood pressure levels regularly.
How does a blood pressure monitor work?
A blood pressure monitor usually consists of two main components: a cuff and a measuring device. The cuff is placed around the patient's arm, wrist or finger and inflated to cut off the blood flow in the artery. The gauge measures the pressure needed to inflate the cuff and cut off the blood flow. Once the pressure is read on the gauge, the cuff is slowly deflated and blood flow is restored to the artery. The meter then determines the systolic and diastolic blood pressure based on the strength and rhythm of the blood flow as the cuff is deflated.
Modern blood pressure monitors usually have an automatic inflation function that increases the pressure in the cuff, making it easier to measure blood pressure. Some devices also have additional features such as a memory or a connection to a computer or smartphone to track and record blood pressure readings over time.
It is important to note that the accuracy of a blood pressure monitor depends on several factors, including correct use, positioning and calibration of the device. It is therefore recommended that you read the instructions for use carefully and follow the manufacturer's instructions to obtain the most accurate results.
Modern blood pressure monitors usually have an automatic inflation function that increases the pressure in the cuff, making it easier to measure blood pressure. Some devices also have additional features such as a memory or a connection to a computer or smartphone to track and record blood pressure readings over time.
It is important to note that the accuracy of a blood pressure monitor depends on several factors, including correct use, positioning and calibration of the device. It is therefore recommended that you read the instructions for use carefully and follow the manufacturer's instructions to obtain the most accurate results.
What values does a blood pressure monitor measure?
A blood pressure monitor usually measures two values: systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the higher value that measures the pressure of the blood in the arteries during contraction of the heart muscle. Diastolic blood pressure is the lower value that measures the pressure when the heart relaxes between contractions and the arteries fill again. Both values are given in the unit of measurement "mmHg" (millimetres of mercury).
At what measured value do we speak of high blood pressure?
One speaks of high blood pressure, also called hypertension, when the systolic blood pressure value is permanently above 140 mmHg and/or the diastolic blood pressure value is permanently above 90 mmHg. The systolic value indicates the pressure at which the blood is pumped through the arteries, while the diastolic value measures the pressure when the heart relaxes between heartbeats. The ideal systolic level is 120 mmHg and the ideal diastolic level is 80 mmHg.
How do I measure my blood pressure with an upper arm sphygmomanometer?
To measure your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor, do the following:
- Sit comfortably and relax for a few minutes.
- Place the cuff of the blood pressure monitor around your upper arm, about 2-3 cm above the crook of your elbow. Make sure that the cuff is tight but not too tight.
- Start the blood pressure monitor. Depending on the type of device, this can be done by pressing a button or by automatically inflating the cuff. 4.
- The device inflates the cuff to block the blood flow in the artery. Then it starts to gradually reduce the pressure in the cuff and measures your blood pressure at the same time.
- When the measurement is complete, the device displays the systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading.
- Note the readings and the date to track the changes over time.
It is important to measure blood pressure at different times of the day to get an accurate picture. It is recommended that you measure your blood pressure at least once a day and record the measurements over several days or weeks to get a reliable result. If you have any questions about the correct use of the blood pressure monitor, it is best to consult your doctor or pharmacist.
What mistakes can be made when measuring blood pressure?
When measuring blood pressure, various errors can occur that can lead to inaccurate or false results. Here are some common mistakes that should be avoided:
- Incorrect position: the upper arm should be at heart level and the back should be straight for the measurement to be correct. If the arm is too low or too high, this can lead to incorrect readings.
- Inflating or deflating too quickly: The meter should be inflated and deflated slowly and evenly so that the blood pressure can be measured accurately. Inflating or deflating too quickly can lead to inaccurate results.
- Incorrect cuff size: a cuff that is too small may give high readings, while a cuff that is too large may give low readings.
- Movement during measurement: movement or muscle tension during measurement can lead to incorrect results. It is important to sit still and not talk during the measurement.
- Eating, drinking or smoking before the measurement: caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can increase blood pressure and lead to inaccurate results. It is best to avoid these substances for at least 30 minutes before the measurement.
- Incorrect timing of measurement: blood pressure can vary throughout the day depending on various factors such as stress, physical activity and medication intake. It is best to always measure blood pressure at a specific time of day and under the same conditions.
- Lack of rest: it is important to relax and rest for at least five minutes before taking the measurement. Taking a measurement immediately after physical activity or stress can lead to inaccurate results.
Why are there differences in blood pressure readings at the doctor's office and at home?
It is not uncommon for there to be differences in blood pressure readings taken at the doctor's office and at home. There are several reasons why these differences may occur:
- White coat hypertension: Many people are agitated or stressed at the doctor's office, which can lead to elevated blood pressure levels. This is also known as white coat hypertension and can cause the blood pressure reading at the doctor's office to be higher than at home.
- Environment: The environment in which the blood pressure is measured can have an impact on the readings. In the doctor's office, the sounds and ambiance can cause a person to be agitated, which can lead to higher blood pressure readings.
- Different measurement methods: different measurement methods can lead to different readings. The doctor may take a manual reading, while an automatic blood pressure monitor is often used at home.
- Time of day: blood pressure can vary throughout the day and is usually highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. If blood pressure is measured at the doctor's office in the morning and at home in the evening, the readings may be different.
- Taking medication: taking antihypertensive medication may result in different readings if the medication is taken at different times or if a dose is missed.
If you notice differences in blood pressure readings, it is important to discuss them with your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if your readings are correct and if further testing is needed. It is also important to monitor your blood pressure regularly to detect changes over time.
Why do the measurement results differ between a measurement on the upper arm and a measurement on the wrist?
Blood pressure can be measured both on the wrist and on the upper arm. The measurement accuracy is basically similar, but there are some differences in the application that can lead to deviating measurement results.
he blood pressure can be influenced by the position of the measuring device in relation to the heart. When measuring blood pressure at the wrist, make sure that the wrist with the blood pressure monitor is at heart level. If the wrist is below heart level, the blood pressure is estimated to be higher. When measuring blood pressure on the upper arm, the measuring device is usually at heart level.
In addition, there are certain groups of people for whom wrist blood pressure measurement is not recommended. These include
he blood pressure can be influenced by the position of the measuring device in relation to the heart. When measuring blood pressure at the wrist, make sure that the wrist with the blood pressure monitor is at heart level. If the wrist is below heart level, the blood pressure is estimated to be higher. When measuring blood pressure on the upper arm, the measuring device is usually at heart level.
In addition, there are certain groups of people for whom wrist blood pressure measurement is not recommended. These include
- People with arterial disease: People suffering from arterial disease such as arteriosclerosis or arteritis should not measure blood pressure at the wrist. Because these conditions can cause narrowing of the arteries, measuring blood pressure at the wrist can be inaccurate.
- People over 65: Older people are more likely to suffer from arteriosclerosis or other arterial diseases that can cause narrowing and hardening of the arteries. This can restrict blood flow to the wrist, which can lead to inaccurate measurements.
- Diabetics: Diabetics are more likely to have circulatory problems and nerve damage in the extremities. Blood pressure measurement at the wrist may therefore be inaccurate.
- Overweight people: It may be more difficult to measure blood pressure accurately at the wrist in overweight people because the tissues at the wrist may be thicker.
- Pregnant women: During pregnancy, it may be more difficult to accurately measure blood pressure at the wrist as the body changes and the tissues around the wrist may become thicker.
For these groups of people, it is recommended to measure blood pressure on the upper arm to get accurate results.
Clinical Thermometers
Instruction manuals
Clinical Thermometers
Why and when to use a thermometer?
A thermometer is used to measure body temperature. This is important to determine if a person has a fever, which can be a symptom of infection or other illness. A clinical thermometer should be used when a person shows signs of fever, such as an elevated body temperature, chills, fatigue, or muscle and joint pain.
A thermometer should also be used regularly with children and the elderly, as these groups are at higher risk for fever and fever-related complications.
A thermometer should also be used regularly with children and the elderly, as these groups are at higher risk for fever and fever-related complications.
Which is the best clinical thermometer?
There are several types of clinical thermometers, including digital thermometers, infrared thermometers, and ear thermometers. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, and which thermometer is best depends on your specific needs and preferences.
Traditional Thermometers: Traditional thermometers use mercury or alcohol to measure temperature. They are easy to use and do not require batteries. One disadvantage of traditional thermometers is that they take longer to measure temperature than digital thermometers. They are also fragile and can release toxic mercury vapors if damaged.
Digital Thermometers: Digital thermometers are easy to use and provide fast and accurate results. They can be used to measure body temperature as well as the temperature of liquids and objects. One disadvantage of digital thermometers is that they require batteries, which must be replaced regularly.
Ear thermometer: Ear thermometers measure the temperature in the ear canal and are quick and easy to use. They provide quick results and are especially suitable for children. One disadvantage of ear thermometers is that they can sometimes give inaccurate results if the ear is dirty or the thermometer is not properly placed in the ear.
Forehead thermometers: Forehead thermometers measure temperature on the forehead and are also quick and easy to use. They provide fast results and are particularly suitable for children. One disadvantage of forehead thermometers is that they sometimes give inaccurate results if there is sweat or hair on the forehead.
Traditional Thermometers: Traditional thermometers use mercury or alcohol to measure temperature. They are easy to use and do not require batteries. One disadvantage of traditional thermometers is that they take longer to measure temperature than digital thermometers. They are also fragile and can release toxic mercury vapors if damaged.
Digital Thermometers: Digital thermometers are easy to use and provide fast and accurate results. They can be used to measure body temperature as well as the temperature of liquids and objects. One disadvantage of digital thermometers is that they require batteries, which must be replaced regularly.
Ear thermometer: Ear thermometers measure the temperature in the ear canal and are quick and easy to use. They provide quick results and are especially suitable for children. One disadvantage of ear thermometers is that they can sometimes give inaccurate results if the ear is dirty or the thermometer is not properly placed in the ear.
Forehead thermometers: Forehead thermometers measure temperature on the forehead and are also quick and easy to use. They provide fast results and are particularly suitable for children. One disadvantage of forehead thermometers is that they sometimes give inaccurate results if there is sweat or hair on the forehead.
Which is the best clinical thermometer for newborns, babies and toddlers?
There are different types of clinical thermometers that can be used for newborns, infants and toddlers. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the most suitable thermometer depends on the needs of the child and the preferences of the parents.
Below are some of the most common types of thermometers along with their advantages and disadvantages:
Below are some of the most common types of thermometers along with their advantages and disadvantages:
- Digital thermometers - Digital thermometers are inexpensive, easy to use and accurate. They can be used orally, rectally or in the armpit. For newborns and infants, the rectal method is the most accurate way to measure body temperature. However, it can be perceived as uncomfortable by some children, especially since the measurement time is longer with digital thermometers compared to infrared thermometers. To increase the measuring comfort and to avoid injuries, make sure that the thermometer has a flexible tip.
- Ear thermometers - Ear thermometers are quick and easy to use, but the measurement requires more attention and the measurement result can be affected by earwax or incorrect positioning.
- Forehead thermometers - Forehead thermometers are non-contact and measure temperature very quickly via infrared radiation from the skin. They are very comfortable and hygienic due to the distance measurement. In order to achieve the most accurate measurement result, one must follow the recommendations of the manufacturer's operating instructions as closely as possible when using them.
In general, digital thermometers are the best choice for most parents of newborns, infants and young children. They are accurate, easy to use and affordable. The rectal method may be the most accurate, but some parents and children prefer other methods, especially as the child gets older. In any case, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and properly disinfect the thermometer to avoid infection.
At what part of the body should I measure fever?
The most accurate method to measure body temperature is rectal measurement with a digital thermometer. This method is usually recommended for infants and young children, but it is not as comfortable as measuring with an infrared or ear thermometer.
For adults, measuring body temperature in the oral cavity or under the armpit is usually recommended. Measuring in the ear or on the forehead with an infrared thermometer is also a quick and convenient way to measure body temperature, but the results may be somewhat less accurate than the other methods.
For adults, measuring body temperature in the oral cavity or under the armpit is usually recommended. Measuring in the ear or on the forehead with an infrared thermometer is also a quick and convenient way to measure body temperature, but the results may be somewhat less accurate than the other methods.
How long do I have to measure?
When measuring body temperature in the oral cavity, the thermometer should remain in place for about 3-4 minutes to ensure an accurate measurement. In the armpit, the thermometer should remain for 5-10 minutes.
For rectal measurement in infants and young children, the thermometer should remain about 1-2 minutes, while for adults, a measurement time of 2-3 minutes is recommended.
With modern digital and infrared thermometers, the end of the measurement process is now usually announced with a signal tone.
For rectal measurement in infants and young children, the thermometer should remain about 1-2 minutes, while for adults, a measurement time of 2-3 minutes is recommended.
With modern digital and infrared thermometers, the end of the measurement process is now usually announced with a signal tone.
How do I take a temperature with an ear thermometer?
Measuring body temperature with an ear thermometer is relatively easy and quick to do. Here are the basic steps:
- make sure the ear thermometer is clean and disinfected.
- Turn on the ear thermometer and place it in the correct position. Hold the ear thermometer vertically and gently pull the ear back to open the ear canal.
- Carefully insert the probe of the thermometer into the ear canal so that it is firmly seated and there is no gap between the ear and the thermometer.
- Press the button to start the measurement. Hold the thermometer in position until the signal tone sounds and the measurement is completed.
- Remove the thermometer from the ear and read the temperature.
It is important to note that when using ear thermometers, the readings can be affected by various factors, such as ear wax, inflammation of the ear canal, or incorrect placement of the thermometer. Therefore, it is important to use the thermometer correctly and follow the instructions in the user manual to ensure an accurate measurement.
How do I measure body temperature with an infrared forehead thermometer?
To obtain an accurate measurement with the Dr. Senst DET-306 non-contact infrared thermometer, the thermometer must be held at a distance of 2 to 3 cm on the center of the forehead. Do not remove the thermometer from the forehead until you hear the final beep. The thermometer must be held steady during the measurement.
The requirements for the measurement environment are relatively high for infrared forehead thermometers. To ensure that the reading always reflects accurate body temperature, the following factors should be considered:
The requirements for the measurement environment are relatively high for infrared forehead thermometers. To ensure that the reading always reflects accurate body temperature, the following factors should be considered:
- The patient should stay indoors for 30 minutes before taking the measurement.
- The person and the thermometer must be at the same ambient temperature for at least 10 minutes before the measurement.
- The user must not drink, eat or exercise during the measurement.
- Oils or cosmetics on the forehead may result in a lower temperature reading.
- Do not measure the temperature over scar tissue, open wounds or abrasions.
- Do not use the thermometer on a wet or sweaty forehead as this may affect the reading.
- Do not measure during or immediately after breastfeeding.
- Consider that this thermometer is for inside use.
- Do not measure temperature with near very hot places, such as fireplaces or stoves.
- The probe window of the thermometer is the most sensitive part of the instrument. Do not touch the probe window. Measurement accuracy may be affected if the probe window is damaged or dirty.
For more information on the use of the Dr. Senst DET-306 Infarrot thermometer, please refer to the instructions for use on our service page.
At what temperature do we speak of fever?
Body temperature varies from individual to individual and changes throughout the day. Normally, the normal body temperature for adults is between 36.5°C and37.5°C, measured rectally, orally or in the armpit.
A fever is said to occur when the body temperature rises to 38°C or more. It is important to note that fever can be a sign of an underlying illness or infection and in some cases requires medical attention.
A fever is said to occur when the body temperature rises to 38°C or more. It is important to note that fever can be a sign of an underlying illness or infection and in some cases requires medical attention.
How to clean and disinfect a clinical thermometer?
Cleaning and disinfecting a clinical thermometer is important to prevent the transmission of infections. The following steps are recommended for cleaning and disinfecting a clinical thermometer:
- Use a disinfectant that is suitable for medical devices. The disinfectant should contain at least 70% alcohol to kill bacteria and viruses.
- Soak a clean, lint-free cloth or cotton ball with the disinfectant and wipe the thermometer thoroughly. If the probe is dirty, it may affect the temperature measurement results. Please also clean the probe with a cloth soaked in alcohol.
- Wipe the thermometer with a clean, damp cloth to remove the disinfectant and allow it to air dry.
Pulse Oximeters
Instruction manuals
Pulse Oximeter
What is a pulse oximeter and what does it measure?
A pulse oximeter is a medical device for measuring the oxygen saturation in the blood.
The device works on the basis of light absorption by the blood. It sends a beam of light through the tissue and measures the amount of light absorbed. Oxygen-rich blood absorbs light differently than oxygen-poor blood. By measuring the absorption of red and infrared light, the pulse oximeter can calculate and display the oxygen saturation in the blood.
The readings are usually expressed as a percentage of the maximum oxygen binding capacity of haemoglobin in the blood, which is called oxygen saturation (SpO² value).
A pulse oximeter primarily measures the oxygen saturation of the blood, but can also provide other important information such as pulse rate and perfusion index. The perfusion index (PI) is a measure of blood flow in the area where the pulse oximeter is located. It is expressed as a percentage and can be an indicator of circulatory disturbances or vasoconstriction.
The device works on the basis of light absorption by the blood. It sends a beam of light through the tissue and measures the amount of light absorbed. Oxygen-rich blood absorbs light differently than oxygen-poor blood. By measuring the absorption of red and infrared light, the pulse oximeter can calculate and display the oxygen saturation in the blood.
The readings are usually expressed as a percentage of the maximum oxygen binding capacity of haemoglobin in the blood, which is called oxygen saturation (SpO² value).
A pulse oximeter primarily measures the oxygen saturation of the blood, but can also provide other important information such as pulse rate and perfusion index. The perfusion index (PI) is a measure of blood flow in the area where the pulse oximeter is located. It is expressed as a percentage and can be an indicator of circulatory disturbances or vasoconstriction.
What must be considered when measuring with a pulse oximeter?
When measuring with apulse oximeter, observe the following points:
- Make sure the finger is clean and dry before attaching the sensor to the finger.
- Use the pulse oximeter in a room with sufficient light, as darkness can affect the accuracy of the measurement.
- Attach the sensor to the finger, making sure that it is tight and secure, but not too tight as this may affect blood circulation.
- Avoid moving the finger or hand during the measurement as this may affect the accuracy of the measurement.
- Read the pulse oximeter instructions for use carefully to ensure that you use the device correctly and interpret the results correctly.
- Remember that pulse oximeters can provide useful information but not a comprehensive diagnosis. If you have any doubts about your health, you should always consult a doctor.
What does the SpO² value mean?
The SpO2 value (also called oxygen saturation)indicates how much oxygen is in the blood. It is expressed as a percentage and indicates how much hemoglobin in the blood binds oxygen. A normal SpO2 value is between 94 and 100%. An SpO2 value of less than 90% is considered low and may indicate that the body is not getting enough oxygen. This can be caused by various diseases or other factors such as smoking.
What is the Perfusion Index (PI)?
The perfusion index (PI) is a medical parameter that measures the blood flow to a specific tissue or organ. The PI is usually measured with a pulse oximeter. A healthy perfusion index varies from person to person. However, on average it should be around 20 %.
Instruction manuals
What is a nebulizer, how does it work and what is it used for?
A nebulizer is amedical device that turns active substances in liquid form into a fine mistthat can be more easily inhaled into the lungs. Nebukizers are particularlyuseful for targeted treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tract forcolds, fever, bronchitis, allergies such as hay fever and respiratory diseasessuch as asthma, COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis,bronchitis or other lung diseases.
A nebulizer works by breaking up the liquid active drug ingredient into small particles, which are then delivered as a fine cloud of mist. The patient inhales the mist through a mask or mouthpiece so that the drug goes directly into the lungs, opens the airways and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
A nebulizer works by breaking up the liquid active drug ingredient into small particles, which are then delivered as a fine cloud of mist. The patient inhales the mist through a mask or mouthpiece so that the drug goes directly into the lungs, opens the airways and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
What types of nebulisers are there?
Nebulisers can be divided into three types according to the technology used: Compressor, membrane and ultrasonic nebulisers.
In the compressor nebuliser, a compressor is used to generate compressed air that flows into the medication solution and atomises it into fine droplets. Compressor nebulisers are very powerful and are suitable for treating severe respiratory diseases.
The vibrating membrane nebuliser has a thin membrane with microscopic holes that is vibrated, sucking the liquid into the holes and creating a spray of fine droplets. In membrane nebulisers, the droplet size is precisely defined by the diameter of the holes in the membrane. Membrane inhalers are particularly quiet and light and therefore well suited for travelling and for children.
The ultrasonic nebuliser causes the water to vibrate, which causes fine particles to be released from the active ingredient solution and mix with the air. The higher the vibration frequency, the finer the particles. Ultrasonic nebulizers quiet and efficient, but can lead to medication deposits in the device and are therefore less suitable for some medications.
In the compressor nebuliser, a compressor is used to generate compressed air that flows into the medication solution and atomises it into fine droplets. Compressor nebulisers are very powerful and are suitable for treating severe respiratory diseases.
The vibrating membrane nebuliser has a thin membrane with microscopic holes that is vibrated, sucking the liquid into the holes and creating a spray of fine droplets. In membrane nebulisers, the droplet size is precisely defined by the diameter of the holes in the membrane. Membrane inhalers are particularly quiet and light and therefore well suited for travelling and for children.
The ultrasonic nebuliser causes the water to vibrate, which causes fine particles to be released from the active ingredient solution and mix with the air. The higher the vibration frequency, the finer the particles. Ultrasonic nebulizers quiet and efficient, but can lead to medication deposits in the device and are therefore less suitable for some medications.
How can you make sure that you use the nebuliser correctly?
There are someimportant points to consider when using a nebuliser:
- Follow the instructions for use: Make sure you follow the instructions for use carefully.
- Breathing technique: Make sure you use the correct breathing technique when inhaling. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your mouth to get the medicine into your lungs. Hold your breath for a few seconds before exhaling.
- Cleanliness:Keep your nebuliser clean and hygienic by cleaning and disinfecting itregularly.
- Storage: Store your inhaler according to the instructions for use to ensure its effectiveness and shelf life. For example, some inhalers need to be stored at room temperature.
How often should you use a nebuliser?
How often you should use an nebuliser depends on your individual medical situation and the instructions from your doctor or pharmacist. Usually, the number of doses per day and the frequency of use will be determined by your doctor based on your age, respiratory condition and the severity of your symptoms.
Can a nebuliser be used by more than one person?
In principle, a nebuliser can be used by more than one person. However, the following precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of infection:
- Use a separatemouthpiece or mask for each person.
- Clean the mouthpiece or mask and the nebuliser thoroughly with a disinfectant between uses, as indicated in the instructions for use of the nebuliser.
- Avoid touching the mouthpieces and masks of the nebuliser with your hands to minimize the transmission of germs.
How do you clean a nebuliser?
The exact cleaning method for a nebuliser depends on the model and manufacturer. It is important to always follow the manufacturer's specific instructions. In general, however, the following steps should be followed when cleaning an inhaler:
Remove the medicine container or cartridge from the nebuliser and make sure the nebuliser is switched off.
Remove the mouthpiece or mask from the nebuliser. Clean the mouthpiece or mask thoroughly with warm water and washing-up liquid. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water and allow to dry completely. Afterwards, disinfect the parts with a disinfectant and let them dry well.
Clean the nebuliser itself by carefully wiping it with a dry cloth or a cloth moistened with alcohol. Avoid getting liquid into the nebuliser.
Put the medicine container or cartridge back into the inhaler and follow the instructions to prepare the inhaler for the next use.
Remove the medicine container or cartridge from the nebuliser and make sure the nebuliser is switched off.
Remove the mouthpiece or mask from the nebuliser. Clean the mouthpiece or mask thoroughly with warm water and washing-up liquid. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water and allow to dry completely. Afterwards, disinfect the parts with a disinfectant and let them dry well.
Clean the nebuliser itself by carefully wiping it with a dry cloth or a cloth moistened with alcohol. Avoid getting liquid into the nebuliser.
Put the medicine container or cartridge back into the inhaler and follow the instructions to prepare the inhaler for the next use.
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